After 2 years, the project is running very well. All scheduled deliverables and milestones for 2nd reporting period (RP2) have been achieved :
- A phase stable voltage pulse generator based on a frequency comb has been realized that allows to generate very clean voltage pulses with a temporal width down to 20 picoseconds.
- Single-shot detection of flying electrons using a single-triplet double quantum dot has been achieved.
- Fabrication of lateral p-n junction has been completed and electroluminescence from the junction at low temperature has been demonstrated.
- Ultrafast voltage pulses down to 2.3 picoseconds at cryogenic temperatures have been generated using opto-electronic conversion.
- Electron injection from continuous hot-electron source into a p-n junction has been demonstrated. Electroluminescence from hot electrons has been observed.
- Quantum interference in a Flying qubit setup using voltage pulses.
- A novel two-particle dynamical interferometry appropriate to quantify the quantum coherence of Fractional quantum Hall edge channel has been developed.
- A theoretical investigation of mechanisms responsible for the slight visibility loss experimentally observed has been published.
- Realistic electrostatic modelling of GaAs based nanoelectronic devices.
- Interaction effects on the emission and propagation of quasiparticles have been reported.
- Release of KWANT software package for time-dependent transport :
- UFN Review Meeting organised 27th of April 2021
- Progress meeting 3rd to 6th of May 2022 in Munich, Germany
- Extension of project to 60 months.