During the 1st year of the project, despite of Covid-Pandemic conditions, the consortium has consolidated and well advanced, in accordance with the plan of the project. Significant progress has been made in all 4 scientific work-packages :
- A phase stable voltage pulse generator has been realized which allows to generate very clean Lorentzian voltage pulsed with a temporal width down to 50 picoseconds.
- Using opto-electronic conversion ultrafast voltage pulses down to 1.1 picoseconds at ambient temperature have been generated.
- Implementing plasmonic resonators allowed to increase the conversion efficiency by more than a factor of 2 compared to standard photo switches.
- A batch of ballistic injection p-n junction devices have been fabricated. Optical scanning stages have been constructed onto a bottom-loading probe in a dilution refrigerator.
- Successful nanofabrication of wave-guide interferometers compatible with voltage pulse injection.
- Proof of principle measurements of two-particle Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry with continuous wave signals
- First release of the open-source software T-KWANT for time dependent simulation of quantum nanoelectronics: http://tkwant.kwant-project.org
- Implementing the analysis of interaction effects on multi-electron emission and on particle propagation.
- Electrostatic modelling, material calibration, and 2D simulations of HEMTs