when Friday, 2022-May-06, 9:00-17:00 where gate Garchinger Technologie- und GründerzentrumMeeting room ALichtenbergstr. 885748 Garching b. MünchenGermany For travel information, see UltraFastNano Meeting web site. Registration Participation is free of charge. For registration and further questions, please send an email to stefan.birner@nextnano.com. Please bring your laptop …
First Review Progress
During the 1st year of the project, despite of Covid-Pandemic conditions, the consortium has consolidated and well advanced, in accordance with the plan of the project. Significant progress has been made in all 4 scientific work-packages : WP1 A phase stable voltage pulse generator has …
Chalmers team developed a time-dependent measurement probe
In voltage- and temperature-biased coherent conductors quantum screening effects occur if the conductor’s transmission is energy-dependent. In this article, we show that an additional ac-driven terminal can act as a probe for a direct readout of such effects, hitherto unexplored. We find that screening of …
Nextnano gives a talk at the Quantum Business Network meeting
Stefan Birner of nextnano presented the Design and Modeling Challenges of our Electronic Flying Qubits at the Meeting on “Quantum Computing for Chemistry and Materials Science of the Quantum Business Network.” Read more information here
Article in French major newspaper
In a recent article in Physical Review X , Zhou, Stoudenmire and Waintal have shown that when quantum computers have imperfections, they can be simulated on a classical computer. In this work the 3 authors have demonstrated that they can reproduce the results of Google’s …
T-kwant open source software has been released
Tkwant: The open-source software T-Kwant fortime dependent simulation of quantum nanoelectronics has been released Tkwant is publicly available at http://tkwant.kwant-project.org. Tkwant is the first open-source software that solves the time-resolve quantum evolution fermionic system connected to infinite electrodes. It possesses the world record of simulation …
First Project Meeting
On the 21st and 22nd of January was held our first UltraFastNano (UFN) project meeting. The scope of the 2-day meeting was to review the progress made during the first 12 months of the project. On the 1st day, students and researchers involved in UFN …