Grenoble, FRANCE

The Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble (IRIG) belongs to the Commissariat for Atomic Energy (CEA), a national organization which aims at bridging the gap between fundamental research and applications. CEA’s Fundamental Research Division (DRF) is active in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and health, materials sciences, climate sciences and the environment. Within this department, the IRIG institute, created on January 1st, 2019 by bringing together 3 former Grenoble institutes of the DRF (IBS, BIG and INAC), conducts research in biology, health, nanosciences, cryotechnologies and new technologies for energy and the environment. Physicists, chemists, biologists, physicians, computer scientists and mathematicians participate jointly in this fundamental research and the applications that result from it, giving the institute a remarkable capacity to respond to major societal challenges.

The PI lab hosts a 1200 cores / 3.5 TBytes RAM computing cluster entirely devoted to the PI’s activity. This 8-year-old cluster will be updated with a new master node, additional cores and a fast InfiniBand like connection at the beginning of the project.

• Xavier WAINTAL (PI)
• Christoph GROTH (PhD, scientific staff)
• Eleni CHATZIKYRIAKOU (postdoctoral researcher)
• Antonio LACERDA (PhD student)

PI-CEA Grenoble : Xavier WAINTAL , is a theoretical physicist who has been working in the field of spintronics, quantum nanoelectronics and correlated electronic systems. XW graduated and received his PhD from Ecole Polytechnique in 1999 and has been working at Cornell University from 1999-2001 before joining CEA Saclay in 2002. He is particularly interested in developing new numerical techniques to tackle difficult quantum problems and make them available to other physicists through open source codes (see http://kwant-project.org).

Saclay, FRANCE

The Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé (condensed matter laboratory) (SPEC) is a unit of the Institut Rayonnement Matière de Scalay (IRAMIS) which belongs to the Commissariat for Atomic Energy (CEA), a national organization which aims at bridging the gap between fundamental research and applications. The SPEC has about 200 staff members (half researchers, half students and postdocs) working in the fields of Nanoelectronics, Quantronics, Spintronics, Nanophotonics, Surface Physics and imaging, Cryogenics, Complex Systems and Out of Equilibrium Physics, Theory and modelling.

The SPEC is connected to the University Paris-Saclay and many of researchers have the habilitation to supervise PhD students.

• Christian GLATTLI (PI)
• Jayshankar NATH (postdoctoral researcher)
• Imen TAKTAK (PhD student)

PI-CEA-Saclay : Christian GLATTLI , is a Research Director at CEA Saclay France. He graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure ENS Cachan and obtained his PhD degree from Orsay Paris-Sud University in 1986.  He joined the CEA, Saclay in 1986 where he developed novel techniques for noise measurements in solids. He made significant contributions to the field of mesoscopic physics such as the experimental observation of fractional charge carriers, development of the first coherent single-electron source as well as the recent realization of a leviton source. He received several prestigious science awards, among which the  Ancel Prize (1997), CNRS silver medal (1998) and EuroPhysics Prize (1999).