The kick-off meeting of the project took place from February 17th to 18th 2020 at the Institut Néel, CNRS Grenoble, France. This meeting brought together all members of the consortium (Institut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble, France (Coordinator); Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA Grenoble, CEA Paris-Saclay), France; nextnano GmbH, Munich, Germany; National Physical Laboratory (NPL), London, UK; Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden) and provided an opportunity for an update on the main objectives of the project, the drawing up of a joint venture and the launching of initial actions.
Project summary: Capturing quantum dynamics on the picosecond scale
A key quantity used to characterise the performance of a quantum device is the ratio between two characteristic times: the time a qubit can survive its quantum properties and the time it takes to complete its operation. Most technologies inherently work at the nanosecond scale. The EU-funded UltraFastNano project (Grant agreement ID: 862683) will pioneer new concepts at the crossroads between quantum optics and solid-state nanoelectronics. Its aim is to achieve full control of quantum excitations that propagate through the devices on the picosecond scale, about three orders of magnitude faster than other quantum technologies. The project is expected to demonstrate electronic flying qubits, picosecond electronic detectors and picosecond optoelectronic devices.

List of attendees:
Acciai Matteo (Chalmers),
Bauerle Christopher (CNRS),
Birner Stefan (nextnano),
Chatzikyriakou Eleni (CEA),
Da Silva Figueira Maria Cecilia (nextnano)
Edlbauer Hermann (CNRS)
Geffroy Clement (CNRS)
Georgiou Giorgos (CNRS)
Glattli Christian (CEA)
Grange Thomas (nextnano)
Groth Christoph (CEA)
Kataoka Masaya (NPL)
Nasir Ateeq (NPL)
Nath Jayshankar (CEA)
Sato Takuma (nextnano)
Splettstoesser Janine (Chalmers)
Taktak Imen (CEA)
Thibault Xavier (CNRS)
Trellakis Alex (nextnano)
Waintal Xavier (CEA)
Wang Jun-Liang (CNRS)