Upcoming Events
Next UFN Network meeting at NPL

It will take place at NPL in Teddington (close to London)
on September 5th & 6th 2024.
Program click here.
Past News & Events

General public video
A short movie geared towards
the general public with the hope it might help to understand what are electronic flying qubits. https://youtu.be/u4qTC_FkRck

Tkwant : New release
Released of Tkwant v1.1. Two new main features: First, a new generic solver class for self-consistent mean-field calculations, and second, a class for calculating non-equilibrium Green functions. A more detailed list can be found in the Whats new section in the documentation at https://tkwant.kwant-project.org/doc/stable/.

EQTC 2023
Contributed talk to European Quantum Technologies Conference 2023 in Hannover, 16-20 October 2023, by Dr Masaya Kataoka.

Editors’suggestion in Physical Review Applied
The article « Ultrashort Electron Wave Packets viaFrequency-Comb Synthesis » was highlighted by the editors of the journal HERE.

Highlight in Actualités of CNRS
Coulomb-mediated antibunching of an electron pair surfing on sound was highlighted by a french press release in the news of CNRS HERE

Junliang WANG awarded 2023 Grenoble University Academic Thesis Prize amongst doctors graduating in 2023
More information HERE

Janine SPLETTSTÖSSER is awarded the ERC Consolidator grant.
UNF’s PI is awarded the ERC Consolidator grant for the project “NanoRecycle”, aiming to study opportunities to recycle waste heat in nano and quantum technology. HERE

2nd Review Meeting
The second review meeting was held remotely on the 13th of April 2023.

Special session for UFN in Rencontre de Moriond
Rencontre de Moriond on Quantum Mesoscopic Physics was held from 25th of March to 1st of April. The last day a special session on UFN was proposed.

Workshop of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung (DGKK) on Epitaxy of III-V Semiconductors
From the 16th to the 18th of May in Bremen (Germany), our partner nextnano exhibited semiconductor-based flying electron qubits result from UltraFastNano.

kwant/nextnano Workshop
On Friday, 2022-May-06, 9:00-17:00 at gate Garchinger Technologie – und Gründerzentrum Meeting room ALichtenbergstr. 885748 Garching b. München in Germany For travel information, see UltraFastNano Meeting. Registration Participation was free of charge. For registration and further questions, please send an email to stefan.birner@nextnano.com. Please bring your laptop …

Second project meeting
4th to 6th of May, 2022 was held in Garching b. München (Germany) on the campus of the Technische Universität München. A two-days meeting in order to review the progress made over the passed year of the project, along with one day of tutorial on KWANT and nextnano software tools.

World of Photonic in München
26th to 29th of April 2022, our partner nextnano exhibited semiconductor-based flying electron qubits result from UltraFastNano.

Silicon Quantum Information Processing Workshop
Masaya Kataoka gave a talk at Silicon Quantum Information Processing Workshop an online event organized by Institute of Physics (IOP). He presented the progress of silicon single-electron pumps towards quantum current standard.

Scientific seminar @University of Genova
Matteo Acciai gave a talk on “Quantum screening effect in driven mesoscopic conductors” at University of Genova, the 14th of May 2021.

Quantum Business Network meeting
Stefan Birner of nextnano presented the Design and Modeling Challenges of our Electronic Flying Qubits at the Meeting on “Quantum Computing for Chemistry and Materials Science of the Quantum Business Network”. More here.

Project Review Meeting
During the 1st year of the project, despite of Covid-Pandemic conditions, the consortium has consolidated and well advanced, in accordance with the plan of the project. Significant progress has been made in all 4 scientific work-packages. More here.

First project meeting
21st and 22nd of January, 2021 was held a two days meeting in order to review the progress made over the first 12 months of the project. More here.

How to use the Kwant software
On December 17th, 2020 from 15:00 to 19:00 CET, a 4-hours tutorial will introduce to the basic concepts of quantum transports and how to use the Kwant software to make practical calculation more information here. Registration is mandatory and could be done at the workshop page.

Kick-off meeting
February 17 & 18th, 2020 — Kick-off meeting at Néel Institute, Grenoble , France, see also organisation information

Official start of the UltraFastNano project
January 1st, 2020